Anita Radini
Doctor - archaeologists
Dr Anita Radini is an award winning Archaeological Scientist and Human Palaeoecologist with over 10 years of experience in the analysis of plant micro- and macro-remains and has participated in projects in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, South-East Asia and North America. She has developed novel techniques to track the artists and craftspeople of ancient times by their skeletal remains. Her pioneer research has a wide focus, ranging from the use of plants in ancient times, to the inequality of living conditions generated by labour divisions in ancient and traditional societies. In September 2021 she was awarded the first Oscar Montelius Foundation Early Career Prize for the social, innovative, international and interdisciplinary nature of herresearch and work in Archaeology and Heritage. She is committed to continuing education and distance learning as well as being very active in public engagement. She is an active member of the community and runs an innovative children's outreach programme, funded by the Wellcome Trust in collaboration with the British Museum and the York Archaeological Trust.
She currently holds the "Ad Astra Fellowship" at the University College Dublin.